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Your Criteria: Age: All Ages Price: All Prices Category: Outdoor Fun
Name: BRIK-A-BLOK-46 Company: BRIK-A-BLOK TOYS INC. Age: 6 and up Price: $179.97 Category: Outdoor Fun
Please click here to read TDmonthly´s summary of online toy reviews of this product.
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Back to top Name: Ultimate Comfort Wagon Company: RADIO FLYER Age: 2 and up Price: $199.99 Category: Outdoor Fun
Please click here to read TDmonthly´s summary of online toy reviews of this product.
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Back to top Name: SandSac™ Beach Pail and Shovel Company: MESKO Associates LLC Age: All Ages Price: $11.95 Category: Outdoor Fun
Please click here to read TDmonthly´s Toy Expert review of this product.
Learn more about SandSac™ Beach Pail and Shovel
Back to top Name: Mashoonga! SABERS Company: REVEL KING, INC. Age: All Ages Price: $24.95 Category: Outdoor Fun
What It Is: Created for playing the game of Mashoonga! with the goal of becoming a Mashoonga! Warrior™, these sabers consist of firm foam material covered with a stretchy, removable red or blue fabric, plus a sturdy handle. The life-sized “swords” are designed for battle.
What We Thought: The office staff had a total blast with the sabers, both in free-for-alls in the parking lot and in more structured, fencing-style contests in the hallway. In many cases, we couldn’t stop laughing as we watched each other develop distinctive maneuvers and strategies for battle. The foam surrounding the sword´s inner base helps prevent most bodily injuries, assuming the person dealing the damage is not swinging to hit a home run and not directing it at a person´s head. If strength is restricted to a reasonably safe level, duelists can still battle each other with enough force that one would feel they are in a real sparring match. It is important that children and teens (and adults!) heed the warning label, and avoid direct hits to the head, eyes or groin. The only gripe about the Mashoonga! saber is its weight, which falls on the length of the foam blade, requiring unnecessary expenditure of energy to hold it up. The weight also affects movement — if the weight was primarily in the hilt, it would make for better balance.
Why They’ll Want It: It´s a fun toy for pretend play as one can easily imagine himself as a sword master cutting away at the bad guys or at an opponent, without the worry of hurting people or furniture in the process. I remember fighting my friends with sticks and plastic swords for hours on end when I was young, and Mashoonga! is a terrific modern alternative. Parents may appreciate that it keeps children active; you can get a decent cardio workout while playing, with a low risk of injury. — TDmonthly Staff, 7-10-09
Learn more about Mashoonga! SABERS
Back to top Name: Designer Golf Company: DESIGNER GOLF LLC Age: 4 and up Price: $79.95 Category: Outdoor Fun
Please click here to read TDmonthly´s Toy Expert review of this product.
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Back to top Name: SnoFling Company: SNOFLING Age: 2 and up Price: $5 Category: Outdoor Fun
What Is It? The SnoFling has the feel of Wiffle ball bat: hard, yet lightweight plastic with a nice handle that’s easy to grip. The design is pretty much perfect for its purpose, which is hurling snowballs at friends and enemies. Simply stab the SnoFling scoop into a snowbank and remove a nicely formed snowball. The length provides optimal leverage for young and old to fling snowballs as far as they can.
What We Thought Upon picking up this badboy, I instantly knew I was going to have fun with it, especially in New England. As soon as it snowed, I took my plastic friend out on the town, digging into piles of snow to scoop out snowball after snowball and toss them around at innocent targets. The scoop held the ball firmly until ready to fling.
Why They’ll Like It There are absolutely no drawbacks to the SnoFling. I wish I had it as a kid and am glad to have it as an adult. Fortunately, this product hasn´t become mainstream just yet, so walking around with a SnoFling tethered on your arm makes people think you are on the cutting edge of “what’s cool.” Overall, this product is a great addition to any kid’s outdoor sporting supplies. — Jon Arsenault, 5/5/07
Learn more about SnoFling
Back to top Name: beeboo Big Bubble KIT Company: EXTREME BUBBLES INC. Age: 6 and up Price: $9.99 Category: Outdoor Fun
Please click here to read TDmonthly´s Toy Expert review of this product.
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Back to top Name: Satryan Ball Company: ECLIPSE BALL INC. Age: 5 and up Price: Not Specified Category: Outdoor Fun
Please click here to read this TDmonthly's Toy Expert review.
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Back to top Name: Children's Snow Sled Company: 1618340 ONTARIO LTD Age: All Ages Price: $25 Category: Outdoor Fun
What Is It? This nifty, collapsible sled won’t be rusting in any garages. Made of durable plastic and nylon web, it folds flat to almost nothing and assembles in just a minute or two. The sled can be assembled as a one- or two-seater. Seat belts and lead are included.
What We Thought We’d never seen anything like it and couldn’t, at first, envision how the pieces we received would become a sled. A quick glance at the instructions, however, and we were off and sledding. Everything snapped together in a jiffy and we’d soon equipped it with a couple of stuffed moose riders to add to the wintry feel. Since we’re in California, we couldn’t test it on the snow, but it scooted very nicely across our less-than wintry carpet.
Why They’ll Want It Kids will want it because they can sit comfortably as Mom or Dad does all the work. This is a very little sled for very little kids and is not safe for downhill trips, said the manufacturer. But it’s great for taking little ones for a snowy adventure while keeping them safe and minimizing strain on Mom or Dad. Once the child outgrows the sled, it certainly makes a good transport for stuffed animal or dolls, as our moose can attest.
-- Alison Marek, 1/5/06
Learn more about Children's Snow Sled
Back to top Name: Sky Blaster Company: RHINO TOYS INC. Age: 10 and up Price: $12.99 Category: Outdoor Fun
What Is It?
The Sky Blaster by (Rhino Toys, Inc.) is a compact skyrocket designed with a built-in, elastic launcher similar to a sling shot. It achieves great speed and can travel over 130 feet. The rocket is built with a soft foam tip and whistles while in flight.
What We Thought
This compact, lightweight craft is remarkable and will provide hours of fun. A word of caution, however; although there is a warning not to launch the toy at anyone from point-blank range, it might be wise to revise the warning to state “do not launch the toy at anyone’s face from any distance.”
Why They’ll Want It
What more could one ask for; it’s fast, it’s fun, and it whistles. Children can launch the rocket by themselves or play a game of “catch” with a friend. Its bright coloring makes it a wonderful spectacle while in flight.
Learn more about Sky Blaster
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