Creative Activities

Price: $4.99
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age: 3 to 100
Included in The SnowMan Kit; instructions how to form a SnowMan anywhere from 3’ high to 7’ high, eyes and eyebrows, a nose, mouth, three buttons, a scarf, pair of mittens and a top hat. Bonus-carving tool included. Snow Not Included. (11/5/2013)

Price: $4.99
Gender: Boys And Girls
Age: 3 to 100
The Snowbear is cute, cuddly, and easy to create. Invite your friends for an afternoon of fun and make the Snowbear come to life. To complete your snow creature, mold snow to the shape needed then just add the 3-Dimensional pieces found in the Snowbear Kit. Snow Not Included. (4/23/2012) (