Retailing Tips: Holding Events in Your Store (7/1/2013)
Drawing potential customers into your store can take a little more cunning than just putting a product out for sale.

Retailing Tips: Revising Your Business Plan (9/1/2009)
A business plan is a living document, meant to be revised periodically. It is your one-, three- and five-year plan, which, at any given time, should reflect your plans for the next few years.

Retailing Tips: Getting the Most Out of Your Website (8/1/2009)
The typical small retailer does not have a large budget for a fancy website, but almost everyone wishes their website was accomplishing more for them.

Retailing Tips: Holding Events in Your Store (7/1/2009)
Drawing potential customers into your store can take a little more cunning than just putting a product out for sale.

Retailing Tips: Ordering What Customers Want (6/1/2009)
All retailers are faced with an inventory dilemma. Spend a lot of money now to have fully stocked shelves and a great product selection, with no guarantee that customers are going to want what was purchased, or go with products known to sell and take customer requests, possibly driving away shoppers

How to Increase Your Website's Visibility (6/1/2009)
How much of an edge does your online toy store have over all the others out there in cyberspace? How well is your brand-building web page really working? And how crucial is that SEO thing

Retailing Tips: Marketing for the Most Return (5/1/2009)
When I saw that we only received three coupons back from a particular newspaper advertisement that cost $300 … it was easy to see that it still wasn't worth the cost when the newspaper discounted the advertisement.

Retailing Tips: How to Interact With Customers (4/1/2009)
There is nothing wrong with letting customers browse your store and spend time looking, touching, and playing with the merchandise.

Timing Your Marketing for the Most Return (4/1/2009)
Have you ever had a great promotion that just didn't catch attention, or a full-fledged marketing effort that fell on its face? In TDmonthly Magazine's May issue, tap into other storeowners' experiences

Communicating With Customers (3/1/2009)
How do you turn a “hello” into a sale?

Retailing Tips: How to Revive Your Inventory (3/1/2009)
Nothing is worse than seeing a returning customer browse your shelves and look bored.

Retailing Tips: Researching New Toys (2/1/2009)
In the March issue of TDmonthly Magazine, find out what your fellow specialty toy-store owners and experts have to say about finding the best new products

Retailing Tips: Are Your Online Sales In Line? (2/1/2009)
While many small-business owners dream of millions of credit-card sales from their online stores, more realistically, the majority find a website to be a consistent advertisement.

Retailing Tips: Allocating Post-Holiday Cash (1/1/2009)
In my retail store, there were several holiday seasons where sales exceeded our expectations. If you don’t have a plan for this situation ahead of time, you can find yourself spending wildly and blindly — to the detriment of your business.

Wisdom for the Web (1/1/2009)
How does your website compare to those of other specialty retailers? Find out in the ShopTalk section of TDmonthly Magazine's February issue, where former retailer Adeena Mignogna will reveal what storeowners are doing right

Retailing Tips: Extra Product or Extra Cash? (12/1/2008)
Whether your holiday season brings in far more money than you expected, or leaves with you surplus that you simply can’t keep in your store long-term