Making Geography Fun

From Out of the Box comes 10 Days in the USA ($19.99; ages 10 and up), a new travel and chance game following up on the success of 10 Days in Africa.

OTBīs 10 Days in the USA is the newest of a series that was invented by Alan
Moon and Aaron Weissblum, who started with the ambition to create a strategy game that relies on luck as well as brains. The game makes all sorts of travel feats possible, including a walk from Florida to Alaska. Up to four players chart a course from one state to another on the board map and battle to stick to it using destination and transportation tiles with plane, sports car and pedestrian choices. The first player to make the connections in 10 days wins.

Matt Mariani, OTB director of marketing, said, "The educational market, comprised of teachers and administrators, loves the game, and they begged for a United States version to use in the classroom."

He adds, "Thereīs wide ranging interest in 10 Days in... games, requests have already come in for 10 Days in Europe, Middle East and even the Middle

OTB is best remembered by retailers for its million seller, Apples to Apples. Mr. Osterhaus said, "We have sold all those copies without selling in the mass market. All of our sales, so far, are in the specialty retailers. The results of this success should mean greater distribution for our new releases."

Mr. Mariani believes, "Retailers trust that we are delivering great products that sell well and that we wonīt sell these games at a deep discount down the street. They know that Out of the Box appreciates the work they do to promote our games."

Writer's Bio: Tony Maddela is a Grant Writer/Development Officer for Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. His wife is Susan, who also writes for, and they have a playful, clever daughter named Charlotte and Baby No. 2 due later this summer. He is working on another novel and is represented by the Wales Literary Agency in Seattle. Read more articles by this author